The web cam allows other people to see you while you communicate with them. My family and I have been using Window Messenger to use the web cam feature.
Sometimes I like to mess around with the camera.
This is reading like a children's book. Which is ok because my Sis is about to have a little one come out of the ol' oven. Could be a boy or a girl. No one knows. Holly and I are going to Aunt Joe and Uncle Holly. Wait a minute! Either way, Holly and I went and bought some little outfits for the baby. It should be any day now. I am waiting to get the call and fly up to Chicago on the weekend to see my little niece-phew.
I made the Bacon Explosion for the Superbowl. It was amazing. I used a 6x5 bacon weave as opposed to the 5x5 recommended on BBQAddicts.com. Pictures to follow once I can get Holly to let me know where they are.
We booked our flights to Alaska. Pumped! Holly and Mark have done most of the planning so far. I am going to read a little about the state prior to flying there. We have a nice agenda set up. Nothing says vacation like agenda. Seriously. About +6 years ago, I went to Disney World (DW) with my family and we stayed in one of the hotels in the park. DW would open the park early (maybe 7am) to people who stayed on the property. My Ma was a Drill Sergent about us getting to the park. We got up every day at 6am, sometimes earlier, just to get to the park earlier that everyone else. It was nice to be able to get on all the rides with no line, but sometimes you lose the thrill at 7am because you are half asleep. Anyways, we have a great trip to Alaska loosely planned. I am sure pics will follow.
Busy season is moving along. I hit my first 60 hour week. It was easier to do because Holly was gone and I worked until 5pm on Saturday. Didn't really have anything else to do other than work. Never felt like going home and watching TV. On Saturday I rode my bike (bicycle) to 75th Street Brewery. Locked up my bike at the bike racks they have there and spent a good two hours talking to an interesting gentleman who told me a fair amount about his life. I had my mug club Bears mug at hand and I was ready to listen to anybody and not think about work. I must look like a good listener, because every time i go into 75th someone always tells me their life story. Also, their lives are way more interesting than mine. My story is that I grew up in the 'burbs of Chicago and finished high school and went to college at Missouri, graduated, and got hitched last summer. I was able to relate to the guy because, 1) He was a chef and likes to talk about food and cooking, 2) His wife is a tax preparer/bookkeeper. We had a rousing conversation about Cajun/creole food, dealing with clients and their books, and John's life. After having about two massive beers I said adios to John, paid my tab and left for my bike. Outside it was cold and I realized that I went into the bar knowing the combo to the lock, but coming out blank. I had to call Holly to get the combination. Some guy smoking outside saw me and was laughing. It was a pretty ridiculous situation. I made it home safe and went out with Winiarski to have a beer. Got home around 2am. It was a relaxing Saturday after all.
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