On the plus side the weekends are more precious and have more meaning. On the down side I have to be here on Saturday. Waaa Waaa.
So, the piano was delivered today to my parent's house. I talked with my mom today about gardening, shipping errors, work, my sister's pregnancy, and other general stuff. There may be a chance in her coming to visit and help me plant a bunch of trees. Our ugly fence needs to be covered up somehow. I think maybe a natural fence on the side of our house would look nice and inviting.
I have decided that when I get an office, I may not wear pants. I will however wear a dress shirt and tie. Maybe even a bow tie. I will call it the "drullet". In order to understand the drullet, you must understand the mullet. The mullet is a haricut I will never be able to achieve, but still can laugh at it. Having a mullet means you have cut your hair short on the front half of your head and you have let the back just grow out. The theme is "business in the front, party in the back". Do som research on google or your choice of web search engine. Someone tossed out "Dogpile" as an option. Must be a Kansas thing. Anyways, the drullet is a dress mullet. Business up top and party down below. Whoa! Maybe better redefine party. Ok. Party = Comfort. If someone comes to get me for lunch I would have to respond, "Umm...give me 2 minutes, I just need to finish this client call." Fool proof, and no one will be the wiser.
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